







JANUARY 13, 2005 22:44
在464名全體分析物件中,在金泳三 政權(1993∼1997年)時期被起訴的人士(政治人、高位公務員、自治團體張、國營企業的幹部、法律界人士等)共有131名。將他們按照出身地區來進行分類的結果,TK出身的人有36名(27.4%),人數最多。而PK出身的人有17名,湖南出身的人有18名(13.7%)。
在金大中 政權(1998∼2002年)時期被起訴的實權派人士有175名。這段期間TK出身的人和PK政權時期相比,人員(33名)和比率(18.9%)都有所減少。而PK出身的人員(31名)和比率(17.7%)則全都大幅增長。

TK→PK→Honam Figures, “Targets for Audit and Inspection” Following the Ruling Government

The audit and inspection “sword” is a temptation hard to turn away from to the force in power. Regardless of the time, the force in power has consolidated its power base by changing the political and social atmosphere through a large-scale audit and inspection during the beginning of a government that has just launched or in a critical situation, and attempting to change the leading force.

After 1993, our society’s ruling power underwent three changes based on regional foundation. The Kim Young-sam (YS) government and Kim Dae-jung (DJ) government showed strong regional colors and the current Roh Moo-hyun government also shows regional colors to some level.

The analysis of the audit and inspection results by the Dong-A Ilbo reporters shows that there is a functional relation between these governments and the targets for the audit and inspection.

During the YS government, with its base in the Pusan/Kyeongnam (PK) area, the targets brought up for audit and inspection were concentrated on major figures from the Taegu/Kyeongbuk (TK) area, which was the previous ruling power.

Among the 464 people analyzed, a total 131 people (politicians, high-ranking public officials, heads of local governments, executives of public enterprises, those with legal profession, and etc.) were charged during the YS government (1993~1997). Classifying these people by their hometown, those from TK comprised the most with 36 people (27.4 percent). On the other hand, those from PK comprised 17 (12.9 percent) and Honam had 18 (13.7 percent).

At the peak of the audit and inspection during the PK government, the words “There are even no wings for the falling TK” went about among the prosecution, insinuating the situation where many TK figures having key positions in the TK government were arrested. These words are proved that it was not just a joke.
After the DJ government, with its Honam district base, launching, PK figures followed the same steps of the TK figures who had given up their positions to them.

One hundred seventy-five major figures were charged during the DJ government (1998~2002). During this period, the number (33 people) and rate (18.9 percent) of TK figures dropped compared to the PK government. On the other hand, the number (31 people) and rate (17.7 percent) of PK figures increased greatly.

The interesting matter is that 35 major figures (20.0 percent) from the Honam district were brought up as targets for audit and inspection in the DJ government. This seems to be from the various “gate” cases at the end of the DJ government, in which many in the ruling power went through investigation.
After the Roh Moo-hyun government launched in 2003, many major figures were brought up for audit and inspection with the investigation into presidential campaign funds.

The major figures for audit and inspection during the two years, from 2003 to the end of 2004, are grasped to be some 158 people. Among them, those from the Honam district comprised the most with 46 (29.1 percent) people. TK members (24 people, 15.2 percent) are in a downward trend, and PK members (22 people, 13.9 percent) have dropped significantly compared to the past.

These results show that when a government changes, the power elites from the previous government are intensely brought up as targets for audit and inspection, and their empty places are taken by the power elites from the new government. When the government changes, this same situation repeats.

For this reason, suspicions have been brought up for the intentions of audit and inspection that it has lost its original pure intention and is deteriorating into a “target audit and inspection” aimed at the previous ruling power.

However, this does not mean that those targets for audit and inspection will be pardoned. Whatever the motive for the audit and inspection was, it is their corruption or violation of the law which has given the cause for the audit and inspection.

정권따라 TK→PK→호남출신 사정타깃
JANUARY 13, 2005 22:44
1993년 이후 우리 사회의 지배세력은 지역적 기반을 기준으로 3차례 변화가 있었다. 김영삼 정권과 김대중 정권은 지역적 특색이 강했으며 현재의 노무현 정권 역시 어느 정도 수준의 지역성을 갖고 있다.
본보 취재팀의 사정 결과 분석은 이들 정권과 사정 대상자들의 함수관계를 보여준다.
부산경남(PK)을 기반으로 한 YS 정권에서는 그 직전의 지배세력이었던 대구경북(TK) 출신 거물급 인사들이 집중적으로 사정 대상에 올랐다.
전체 분석 대상 464명 가운데 YS 정권(19931997년) 때 기소된 인사(정치인, 고위 공무원, 자치단체장, 공기업 간부, 법조인 등)는 모두 131명. 이들을 출신지역별로 분류해 보면 TK 출신이 36명(27.4%)으로 가장 많았다. 반면 PK 출신은 17명(12.9%), 호남 출신은 18명(13.7%)이었다.
호남을 기반으로 한 DJ 정권이 출범한 이후에는 PK 출신이 그 이전에 자신들에게 정권을 내준 TK 출신의 전철을 되풀이했다.
DJ 정권(19982002년)에서 기소된 거물급은 175명. 이 기간에 TK 출신은 PK 정권 때에 비해 인원(33명)과 비율(18.9%) 모두 줄었다. 반면 PK 출신은 인원(31명)과 비율(17.7%) 모두 크게 늘었다.
2003년 노무현 정권이 들어선 이후에도 대선자금 수사 등으로 거물급 인사들이 사정 대상에 많이 올랐다.
2004년 말까지 2년간 파악된 사정 대상 거물급 인사는 158명. 이들 중 호남 출신이 46명(29.1%)으로 가장 많았다. TK 출신(24명, 15.2%)은 계속 감소 추세였고 PK 출신(22명, 13.9%)도 그 이전에 비해 많이 줄었다.
이 같은 결과는 정권이 바뀔 때마다 이전 정권의 파워엘리트들이 집중적으로 사정의 대상이 되고 그 공백을 새 정권의 파워엘리트들이 차지하며 다시 정권이 바뀌면 똑같은 현상이 반복된다는 사실을 보여준다.
이 때문에 사정의 의도에 대해 의심이 제기되기도 한다. 사정 작업이 당초의 순수성을 잃고 이전의 주도세력을 겨냥한 표적 사정으로 변질되는 게 아니냐는 것이다.
그러나 그렇다고 해서 사정 대상자들이 면죄부를 받는 것은 아니다. 사정의 동기야 어찌 됐든 사정의 빌미를 제공한 것은 자신들이 부패하거나 법을 어겼기 때문이다.

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